Offline Word Cloud Generator For Mac

Tagul is an online word cloud generator that enables you to generate beautiful word cloud art. It is very easy to use as you need not to have any graphic design knowledge. It is real fun to try all the different options and visualize the same. There are tools available to further customize the same.

I wrote in my book about the power of using word clouds in the classroom. They are such a good tool for activities linked to literacy, problem solving and much more.

The classic Wordle and Tagxedo still rank highly in my estimation but as more and more use of technology moves to tablets and other mobile devices; so the search for a decent word cloud generator moves from the desktop to the mobile device too. Over time, more and more Apps have become available on the App Store and so in this post I’ll explore my top six Apps for creating word clouds using iOS devices. Note, not all of these apps have Android alternatives although some have.

  • The word cloud image into image editing software, such as Paint or Photoshop Express, or you can paste it into a document, like Word. Mac: Press three keys together the Apple and Shift-4 and then use the mouse to drag a box around the cloud you want to save or use Apple and Shift-4 and then the Spacebar to capture the whole window.
  • Word Cloud free download - Microsoft Office Word 2007 Update, Free PDF to Word, Cloud System Booster, and many more programs.

Word Salad

With the basic version of Word Salad being free, it’s well worth a look. There are lots of customisation features (if you pay) including background colour, font, font colour, arrangement plus you can build word clouds from lots of places such as Twitter hashtags, Wikipedia and more. You can export to your camera roll, as a PDF or even (if you pay for it) in Photoshop PSD format. Here’s one I made earlier…

A word cloud built from some of the keyword categories from


Working in a similar way to the fab WordFoto (£1.49) (discussed in this post about the power of the visual), Phoetic (79p) builds word clouds from shapes. The interface is a little clumsy and you have to enter your own words. You cannot pull words from a Twitter feed or other web page. That said, this is something which you have to do manually in WordFoto, so this cheaper option might be for you. Here’s one I made using Phoetic:

Word cloud of some of the keyword categories from


TagCloud is another App which generates some lovely looking word clouds. You can pull information from a word list, csv file or a web page. The layouts are pretty similar but there is a variety of formatting options to choose from. At 79p, this is again a relatively cheap option for making attractive word clouds.


Tweetroot is a popular word cloud generator, particularly for those looking to create a word cloud linked to a Twitter account or search. The layout options are ok but it doesn’t seem to match up in terms of display options compared to the others listed here. At 79p it might be worth a look if you’re keen to create a word cloud from Twitter. You can however do this with TagCloud by simply adding in the search page for the hashtag or user you are searching for.

Word cloud from the #ATLMidsTM hashtag


As mentioned above, WordFoto is definitely worthy of consideration. The graphics look great and it’s pretty easy to use. It builds word clouds from your images and the words you want included. At £1.49 it’s a bit more expensive than its counterparts but the results might sway your choice. Here’s one I made previously:

Word cloud of keywords linked to Staffrm, made using WordFoto


Lastly, as I have mentioned both word clouds and Twitter, if you have a live plasma display, you may wish to choose to look at Spout. An App which can look at different social media channels or accept different inputs of words, the visualisations created are superb. I wrote about it previous here. At £1.49 it’s not massively expensive and could be a great way of visualising a back channel of learning, either in your classroom or at a TeachMeet or other teaching and learning event you may be organising.

Here are some screenshots from Spout on my iPhone for you to get a feel for it too:

Often when I share a number of Apps like this, people will tell me about Apps I haven’t heard of before – there are after all so many out there. If you know of something even better than these then please let me know in the comments. I’d love to learn about more!

Over and out.

Offline Word Cloud Generator For MacUpdatelandLearn SEO and Blogging Tips Last Updated On: By Jyoti Chauhan Share This

Looking for best word cloud generator to create Word Clouds free shape images?

What’s the best way to pour out a lot of words, or links at the same place beautifully without annoying your readers? Word Clouds ofcourse, and how do you come by word clouds? By using the best word cloud generator (not that it was a secret anyway!)

So I won’t beat around the bush here, I’ve just compiled this list on the best word cloud generators available on the web for you to use for free.

But before diving deep into the journey and dashing through this list on some of the best word cloud generators, let’s have a basic look at what exactly Word Clouds are and how they’re helpful?

What are Word Clouds?

Word Clouds are exactly what the literal meaning of the word translates to. “Clouds of Words”. You must have seen them on blogs or forums.

They can either be random, or made to a specific shape like stars, circles or anything else. They of course can be colored as well as black and white!

Primary Uses of Word Clouds?


Why would someone need to have floating clouds of text around his blog or any other place, right? I mean when we can just have plain text?

Well the reasons are simple enough, the first point is you can’t just put up a 100 words in a single line with links and expect people to click on them, right?

Also it makes the blog look “not so good”. with links or random words popping up all over the place.

While if you use a “cloud” to do the same, it not only gets accepted, it gets appreciated.

And not just that, you’ll need a lot of space to throw up a hundred words (either plain or linked) on a webpage, but if you use a word cloud generator, you can do the same within a very limited space because well the cloud keeps rotating (if you use an animated word cloud) and it reveals new words at the same location rather than eating up your space.

Word Clouds can be used to show just words, or links, or maybe for tags to specific categories/sections. Point is, whatever can be summed up in a word or two can make the use of Word Clouds to get itself some attention.

Anyway let’s get down to the section you came here for.

The 10 Best Word Cloud Generator Free Online 2020

Below are the list of top 10 online word cloud generator. Explore the list to know each word cloud generator features.

1. WordClouds


WordClouds is the first result that pops up for keywords like “best word cloud generator” and “word cloud generators” on Google. But well that’s not the reason why I’m listing it over here.

Let me just scribble down the reasons why I am.

Upload text files:-

Let’s say you’ve got hundreds of words to generate the word cloud for. Now it’s not really the best idea to type all the words, isn’t that right?

That’s why WordClouds lets you just upload your text files directly to the website containing all the words you want to generate the word cloud for.

Easy Font Size Selection:-

They have a slider which lets you easily adjust your font size without a lot of hassle.

Nearly a Hundred Shapes to Choose From:-

WordClouds has an easy “shapes” button which lets you choose the shapes for your cloud. And well, it conveniently boasts nearly a hundred different shapes including hearts, starts and what not!

Upload Your Own Shapes:-

And that’s not all! You can even upload your own mask images to create shapes of your own!

You might upload an image that matches your brand or logo and you’ll get yourselves a nice looking, branded, custom-made and professional word cloud absolutely free!

There are lot’s of others options as well which I’d like you to explore for yourselves or else the other contestants in the list won’t get the due attention.

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2. Tagul


Tagul is your soon-to-be best friend if your last Google search was anything even remotely related to “word cloud generator free“.

It’s the second on this list because when it comes to “Advanced” options and customization options, it might not beat Word Clouds, but it gives a cut throat competition without doubt!

There’s an option called import words which lets you import words from Excel, notepad (or any other text file), as well as the “Web”. Meaning you can either directly copy your text from text-files, or just enter an URL to scrape off some words from over there.

Then, you can manually choose the font size of each word if you prefer to do so, or just let it be 1, that’s the default font size.

It even lets you choose or change the angle or color of the text.

And if all of that doesn’t satisfy you, you can choose the shape, the animation, a ton of fonts and what not!

So bottom line is, everything about your word cloud can be customized from Tagul, hence making it a #2 contestant on this Word Cloud Generator list!

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3. TagCrowd


If “simplicity” if your thing, TagCrowd is what you’re looking for. It’s not as complicated or advanced as WordCloud or Tagul to be honest.

Infact it’s pretty simple, with limited customization abilities. But if you’re looking to just create a word cloud without a lot of things to change/mess about, this is your word cloud creator.

It let’s you select some basic options about your WordCloud, like:-

  • Language
  • Frequency of words
  • Uppercase-lowercase options.
  • Number of words etc.
  • Blocking of offensive words.

But that’s the end to it. There aren’t any “color” or shape customization options you get with TagCrowd.

Although the two advanced options with TagCrowd are it’s ability to scrape words off a Web-page, and it lets you upload text files.

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4. WorditOut


WordItOut is one of the best wordle alternatives. WordItOut although appears simplistic on the homepage, is pretty advanced once you click on the “create” button.

There are 11 fonts to choose from for starters.

A simple color box helps you choose the background color, the range of colors and the total number of colors to use.

(Number of colors is something unique, it’s not something a lot of the other tools in this 10+ Best Word Cloud Generators list provide.)

There are other options as well which let you select the “orientation” and “layout” (portrait or landscape). And then of course you can choose the font-size, and select which kind of words should have what size.

You can download the WordCloud easily by clicking on a neatly placed “Download” button on the customization screen.

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ABCYA is my next pick for websites like Wordle.

The name gets us an example of the “creativity” that this platform holds. (A B See Ya).

It was primarily made as a platform for kids, and is designed as such. Nonetheless, it lets you create fantastic word clouds, and pertaining to the fact that it was made for kids, they make it all the more interesting and attractive.

They let you type/paste the words, and demand just couple seconds to generate the cloud. Once it’s done, you get the generated cloud in a square box, and a neatly placed top-bar which holds all the advanced options you’re looking for.

It lets you specify a “word limit” so that there aren’t more words than you actually need. It starts from 10, and goes all the way up to 1,000 which I’d say is more than enough.

Then there’s a “randomize” option which randomizes your cloud in case you didn’t like what you got in your first try.

Then there’s a “layout’ tab, which brings in the shapes you can have your word cloud in.

Cloud offline download

Offline Word Cloud Generator For Mac Version

There are 11 shapes to choose from. And then comes the colors tab. It holds the color combinations you can use for your WordCloud.

They tried to keep it simple by having 12 pre-made color combination templates rather than confusing the kids by giving them a 100% color choice.

Cloud Offline Download

And the last tab is the tab for “fonts”. There are 12 fonts to choose from. They aren’t “designer’ fonts, but well who wants word clouds in designer fonts anyway right?

6. Booogle WordCloud


It confuses me; I’m not sure if I should be labeling this as a basic wordcloud tool because of its extremely simple, almost naked web-page and interface, or an advanced one pertaining to the fact that it lets you choose some real mathematical customizations for your wordcloud!

Anyway, call it what you like. The point is, lets you choose from some very advanced (and complicated) options:-

  • Spiral: Archimedean / Rectangular
  • Scale: Log n / √n / n
  • Angle of rotation.
  • and Fonts.

It might not be everyone’s cup of tea to, but it does create some simplistic but solid word clouds. You ofcourse can choose the fonts, as well as download the file in a SVG or PNG format.

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7. Taxedo


Designed as a basic word cloud creator, it does the job pretty well. My favorite part of this tool is the “respin” feature.

It’s like the “randomize” option which re-creates your word cloud with a different shape in a snap.

You get to choose “colors” for starters. Then obviously it allows you to choose a font for your text.

And that’s not all, you even get to choose the rotation as well as the layout. (In case you need portrait or landscape clouds!)

And finally, there’s the “shape” option which let’s you choose from a number of shapes without a lot of hassle.

8. Jason Davies Word Cloud Generator


There are striking similarities between Booogle WordCloud and Jason Davies’s Word cloud generator. That probably is because they might be using the same github open-source algorithm for their generations. (It’s just my assumption!)

Anyway, with Davies’s Word cloud generator too you get all those complicated settings we talked about, the Spiral selection, the scale and angle selection as well.

It’s almost the same thing as Booogle so there’s not much explanation needed probably.

I’m mentioning it here in this 10+ best word cloud generators because despite being almost the same product, they both are praiseworthy.

9. ImageChef Word Mosaic


ImageChef’s primary point of attraction which also led them being included in this best word cloud generator piece is their “image shapes”.

They boast over 25 different shapes for your word clouds, which are further organized neatly into different sections for your ease of access.

Although if not for the “shapes”, I’d have included them over here in this best cloud generator piece anyway just for their “designer fonts”.

Just sometimes ago I said we might not need designer fonts for word clouds, but hey if you’re getting it why not make the best of it, isn’t it?

They feature some beautiful fonts like Gothic,Tagging and other in its kind. They do make your word cloud stand apart from the crowd.

Not to mention that you get to select the text as well as font colors.

10. WordSift


Designed beautifully as a “notebook, Wordsift definitely deserves to be on this word cloud generator list. This is #10 on this list for a reason, and that is it’s a very basic, and almost zero advanced settings.

You don’t get to change font color, size or anything in general. You enter your words, and it generates a cloud and that’s the limit of it.

But I’m still mentioning it here because it’s not always “advanced” tools people are looking for, there’s a good possibility that you might have searched for a simple; yet best word cloud generator. If so, this is the tool for you.

Offline word cloud generator for mac download

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Wrapping it Up

So that was it folks as far as this Best Word Cloud Generator list is concerned. I’ve listed as many as 10 different and eye-catching word cloud creator, all with different options, settings and scopes.

Word Cloud

Being honest, there’s no one single “best word cloud generator”, instead they all do their job just as good as any other tool on this list, it’s just a matter of your priorities.

What you’re trying to create, how many words you need, what’s your purpose of creating the word cloud and so on. A person might find the #10 tool on this list to be his best companion while others might stick to #1.


Anyway, do let me know your feedback in the comments section, and your personal favorites.