Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac

  1. Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac Catalina
  2. Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac Torrent
  3. Custom Discord Presence

The process consists of two distinct operations: Media detection and filename identification.

First of all, Taiga checks all windows to see if there are any media players (or web browsers) running, with help from Anisthesia. When it finds one, it goes on to use various methods to retrieve the filename of the video (for web browsers, it's the page title).

  1. Discord Rich Presence is used for games to display information about the current session. But who said that it can't be used for fun? Use this application to create a custom Rich Presence Status in Discord. Product page What is Rich Presence? This site explains it perfectly, but in a nutshell it shows what game you are.
  2. Custom RPC for Discord (server-sided) Very Simple Uses Advertise Website link Advertise Discord link Advertise literally anything idk client.lua - Change the string below to what you want as the RPC local content = 'Zua is neat' Citizen.CreateThread(function SetRichPresence(content) end) If you don’t know how to install this, you’re fucking stupid but here you go anyways.
  3. Set a custom rich presence status on Discord. Contribute to Pepijn98/CustomRPC development by creating an account on GitHub.

This is where Anitomy comes in. This piece of software, designed specifically for Taiga and similar applications, is able to parse anime video filenames and extract their elements. It uses advanced techniques, rather than simply applying regular expressions or ignoring everything inside brackets.


Here's an example filename: [TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_-_01_[720p].mkv

I'd like to make a custom rich presence for a Sony VEGAS with the icon and the whole deal, but ppl are saying that custom RP is against TOS. Is it against TOS? Or having to see audio-less video ads in the middle of a call. I seriously, seriously fucking appreciate discord for not doing shit like that. Rich Presence for Mac Churro November 12, 2018 21:00. Hope to see Rich Presence implemented for the MacOS in the future! It'd be great to share what games I'm currently playing from my desktop app with Discord friends, instead of manually adding new games to my status every time.

And here's what Taiga sees:

  • Release group: TaigaSubs
  • Anime title: Toradora!
  • Episode number: 01
  • Video resolution: 720p
  • File extension: mkv

Once Taiga has this information, it goes on to look up the anime title (in this case, Toradora!) in its database. This database consists of all the titles the active service provides (e.g. Romaji titles, English titles, synonyms) for your anime list, as well as cached search results. Taiga does lots of smart things so that it doesn't trip over capitalization, punctuation and different numbering schemes. If available, Taiga looks up the name of the parent directory too, so that it's able to identify something like X:AnimeToradora!01 - Tiger and Dragon.mkv.

When Taiga finds a single exact match (e.g. Toradora!Toradora!), it's done. This is what happens most of the time. When there are multiple matches that are equally likely, or when there are no direct matches, recognition fails. In these cases, Taiga displays a list of similar titles on the Now Playing page. You can click on a title to add the current title as an alternative title for that anime, after which it will be recognized. In other cases, you may need to manually add alternative titles via the Anime Information dialog. This is the primary method for resolving recognition issues.

Note that when you scan your library folders for available episodes or check your RSS feed for new releases, the process works just the same. Taiga parses each filename and tries to identify them.

This guide is for Discord plugin users that can’t compile or package their game for the Mac platform.

If you haven’t installed the Discord Rich Presence plugin in your Unreal Engine 4 project click here for our guide.

The first step is to download all of the required files.


Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac Catalina

hide1Downloading the Files2Installing the Files2.1Include Files2.2OSX Build Files3Conclusion

Downloading the Files

To download the library files necessary for compilation, navigate to the releases section of the DiscordRPC GitHub page.

Click here to view the ReleasesThis file is hosted on the official Discord GitHub page and not

Find the latest release (Green text on the left) and download the file.

Unzip the file somewhere you can easily access it.

Installing the Files

Custom discord rich presence for mac version

Include Files

Navigate to the /ThirdParty/DiscordRpcLibrary folder in your project’s plugins folder and check if you already have the Include folder.

If you have this folder move on to the next step.
If you do not have this folder follow the “Copying files to Compile the plugin” section.

OSX Build Files

Create a new folder named Mac:

Navigate to the /osx-dynamic/lib folder from the files extracted earlier. Simply copy and paste the libdiscord-rpc.dylib file into the Mac folder created in the last step.


Your Discord Rich Presence enabled game will now successfully compile and package for the Mac platform!
Packaging for the Mac platform is not possible from a Windows machine as Apple’s XCode licensing allows only official Apple products to package for their platform.
Regardless of this having the plugins setup and configured correctly will prevent headaches later down the road if you choose to deploy your game on the Mac platform.
To set up the blueprints required for Discord Rich Presence, read the guide here on

Custom Discord Rich Presence For Mac Torrent

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Custom Discord Presence

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